Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Can't shake the sad today.

A very old and dear friend died last night. It was a blessing. The pain was great and he'd suffered long enough. I was looking through some old pictures in order to find a few for a friend that's putting together something for the funeral services and I couldn't decide if I wanted to laugh or keep crying.

The hysterical picture of the two of us when I was just about to have Miss Thing standing in front of the ice cream shop in Arlington I used to love made me bust out laughing. He went to the OB often enough with me that the nurses were very confused as to who the father actually was...

One of a drunken evening at our old apartment with the woman he should have married, that made me ever so sad...

A lot of years. A whole lot of years. He liked to claim he introduced the Beast and I. Not really, I actually picked the Beast up in a bar, but I always told him I'd be happy to blame him if he really wanted me to.

Farewell and godspeed old friend. I'll never be able to go down to the river without thinking of you. Rest well.


Anonymous said...

Saying "sorry" sounds trite. I lost a 30 year friend the Friday before Thanksgiving week, and even though she was only 43, it was time for some peace for her as well. You'll remember your friend "down by the river" and a hundred other places you go....and some of those memories will be so very wonderful....hopefully. Peace to you. ~Mary

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry - it's really hard to lose soemone you love.

Sling said...

I'm so sorry to hear that dear.

yellowdoggranny said...

oh my friend..i'm so sorry.i will light a candle and send up a prayer for your friend..im sure the goddess has scooped him up and taken him home...

Willym said...

Giving you the biggest virtual hug there is and wishing it where the real thing.

The candles from YG and I will light a little bit of the world in memory of your friend.

Tate said...

So sorry honey. My thoughts are with you and your dear friend today. Love you.

Doralong said...

Thanks for the kind thoughts and candles friends.

And Mary- nice of you to drop in, you'll have to come back around on a more pleasant day!

Elizabeth said...

Oh honey honey honey. What a winter you've had. I am so sorry. Even when death is a release from suffering - as it was also with my father - it's still loss and grief for those of us who are left without them. Hugs dear.

evilganome said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I know things are pretty bumpy all around for you right now.

You take care, sugar. I'm thinking of you.

more cowbell said...

I'm very sorry to read this. It's so hard to lose those we love. Good thoughts to you ...

Anonymous said...

No words, as there are none. Thinking of you and passing on strength. Be well.