Thursday, February 14, 2008

Act Fast!

As in NOW- deadline is 2/15. As I had done so a while back, yours truly dropped the ball on passing the word. Figuring most of the people I know are already mighty pissed about this, I sure am!!

I find the fact that the National Park Service is attempting to take away the right ("restrict" my ass) of the citizens of this country to assemble on the National Mall morally repugnant. Obviously to anyone with half a brain it is yet another attempt by the current administration to silence any opposition and take away yet another of our fundamental rights as citizens.

Can you imagine our country if Dr. King had not been allowed to speak that historic day? Any number of causes, be they right or left- the citizens of this country have had the right to stand on that strip of land and tell their government in no uncertain terms how they felt. Frankly I feel that's a cause we can all get behind, no matter what your particular politics might be. I've parked myself in that space more times than I can count, and in all those times and for the many various reasons, I knew damn good an well I was exercising my right as a citizen in the spirit this country was founded upon. I OWN that property damn you!! We all do!! You're sure as hell not going to be telling me what I can do in my back yard Shrub..

So kids head on over here.

And while you're at it make a pit stop here as well. The rights you save may well be not only yours folks, but your grand children's as well..


Anonymous said...

Done and done. Assholes. They are probably doing this in order to have a reason to open fire on all of us protesters. Bush invades Iran, plans a fake terror attack on the US, and refuses to relinquish power. I can just see it now...

Doralong said...

Tate- Sad to say it wouldn't surprise me in the least..

evilganome said...

All signed up, dear. Is he grasping at straws at this point or what?

Sling said...

Thanks for the heads up doll.
I'm on my way over to kick some ass.

Elizabeth said...

Signed and sent 'em both. How did I miss this? Thanks for the email.

Doralong said...

Tony, Sling, Elizabeth- Thanks!! And Elizabeth- it was easy to miss, they tried, as per usual, to sneak in in whilst we weren't looking. Par for the course.

Lorraine said...

Dang it...what Tater said...seriously, this man has made reasonable people paranoid. The signing, she is done.

Jeff said...

Thanks for the heads up, Darlin'...

Tater is right. I really think that if a Democrat wins, the Fuhrer will declare Martial Law and refuse to leave office.

Fasten your seat belts...

BigAssBelle said...

done, done. and it seems to have taken me even though i was a day late. this makes me furious. but it's classic george bush, the idiot king whose "handlers" refused to allow any protests within his line of sight, as if the straw man would crumble at the vision of people disagreeing with him.

i can't even express how angry it makes me to see congress holding hearings on fucking steroids when these bastards have lied and cheated and stolen and ruined our country and they go merrily on their way with no accountability.

billy pilgrim said...

sounds like hitch hikers guide to the universe on a planetary level.

fight the good fight.

... need I exhort you to fight the good fight for your homesteads, and for your wives and children!