Friday, February 08, 2008

I got served..

And I am in no way happy about it. As my loyal readers (both of you) know I live in the semi middle of nowhere, we aren't talking the suburbs here folks. My neighbors are by and large all nice folks, the sort you can borrow a cup of sugar or a bottle of bourbon from. The kind of folks you can call at quarter till three and say you're never going to make it, can they pick up your kids at school. Ice storm hits, and we're all collectively out there with the chain saws dealing with the situation and checking on the old folks. There are naturally a few I wouldn't invite for cocktails, but no hubris there. But there is one I have to say that is a pain in the ass for the entire group. And yep, lucky me it has to be one of my next door neighbors. Thank jeebus for 5 acre lots..

This person has a serious issue- hoarding. Most people keep it in the house, oh no not this person.. The entire lot. At last count (by court records) 15 inoperable vehicles, 7 lawnmowers, 15 weed whackers, 28 cases (yes- huge packing crates) of debris. 18 propane tanks and who the hell knows what else. While I generally am sympathetic to the mentally ill, sorry kids I'm being real NIMBY about this one.. It's my groundwater (we all have wells) it's my property value- my taxes nearly doubled last year due to the housing "boom", which I had no problem with. I drive on county roads and my kids go to public schools. HOWEVER- I can't in any way get full value for my property since I live next to a land fill. Not to mention vermin and the fact that if a fire starts over there I can kiss my ass goodbye- This has gone from weird and annoying to bat shit crazy and trying to run people down in her vehicle nuts..

I digress.. After four long years of litigation (and five years of complaints prior to get it to that point) we're down to the wire, public hearings exhausted and the final judicial bit was to be dealt with today. Well lucky me, yesterday I got served. For the wrong side. Yep I got called for the wrong team. Which is ironic as hell since I have had to testify on 5 different occasions on behalf of either the county or the Commonwealth. The bitch had me served.. The legal term here kids is "hostile witness"- but we got continued till next week as the judge got word his brother quite suddenly died partially through the proceedings, so I can't say more till after the fact.

However- I had to cancel lunch with the darling Red to haul my ass to court, which pissed me off beyond reckoning. I had to call my lawyer, which OK wasn't bad he's a lovely man and doesn't charge for such things anyway, to advise me, I missed going to drool over shoes in the "big city" and also had to cancel a mental health spa appointment which I can only afford about twice a year.. I'm out of sorts dears, in a major way.

But what the hell, I'm meeting the Beast in the "big city" with a friend we haven't seen in ages for dinner, so the mood will no doubt improve. Have a lovely weekend darlings, I'm off to find something red to wear..


Gavin said...

Good luck!

evilganome said...

This sounds pretty awful. I hope your crazy neighbor is hoist with her own petard! I will be thinking good thoughts about you and hoping the nutty pack rat gets her come uppence in court.

Enjoy your time in the big city and I hope you find something fab in red!

Sling said...

Wow..I'm glad I don't live in a small rural community,where these kind of disturbing legal ramifications run rampant!
..wait a minute...

billy pilgrim said...

may you live in interesting times.

sounds like you hit the jackpot.

Doralong said...

Gavin- Here's hoping the end is finally in sight!

Tony- It's just beyond crazy, the pathology is just mind bending.. I settled for wearing red ;)

Sling- see, there you have it.

Billy- I have been searching for that gypsy I pissed off so I can make amends.. thus far to no avail.

Elizabeth said...

Well that just sucks! Hang in there and keep us posted.

Kimberly Ann said...

Oh good luck with all this stuff. Hopefully, justice will do right by you all and get this thing cleared up.

Anonymous said...

go get her baby! Sounds like the woman needs some help. I feel sorry for her, but even more so for you!

Doralong said...

Elizabeth- I'll let y'all know.. I'm sure it will be quite interesting. I barely scratched the surface of the crazy sister.. The court room antics through the years are the stuff of local legend..

KA- Doesn't seem like a whole hell of a lot to ask of the system, does it?

Tate- I spent about 7 years feeling sorry for her and tolerating it and trying to be a good neighbor- the next 6 years pretending as best I could she and the freak job she runs around with didn't exist- the last 2 years, enough already!!! There comes a point where my safety and that of my family is just as damn important as her crazy! I'll tell ya the entire convoluted drawn out tale some time..

Anonymous said...

Complete with photos I hope!

Doralong said...

Tate- Yep!Complete with twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back
of each one..

Lorraine said...

Argh! No, wait, let me rephrase that: ARRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

more cowbell said...

ohgawd - I am very very thankful that my own neighbor doesn't have a 5-acre lot. He does quite well on his little suburban yard. Good luck.