Friday, June 06, 2008

I'm fine, thanks!

Just a quick post and a thanks to those of you that emailed after the big storm. The house is standing, vehicles unscathed and everyone is fine.

We finally got electricity back this afternoon!! Woo Hoo!! So after cleaning the nasty fridges and making the joint habitable, it's time for a hot meal and a very, very long hot bath!

Thanks for checking in on me brother dear, and you other lovely folks too!


Willym said...

Just read about the storm - get the news a bit late here. I'M just glad to hear that you guys are okay. Funny who we take certain things for granted - like that nice long hot bath! Enjoy it.

evilganome said...

I haven't been keeping up on the news, obviously. Glad all is well, don't forget the bubble bath.

Anonymous said...

And I thank you. You are a lovely person in every sense of the word. Hope you hit the lotto soon, can turn the tables on someone, and crack that fucking whip dear. Love you!

Doralong said...

Wills- Sad to say, but I really do seem to take a lot of things for granted.

Tony- Oh no worries, I didn't.

Tate- Aren't you just the most precious thing! All will be as it should be one of these days. Love you too!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad to hear that - although oblivious non-news watcher that I am, I had no idea.

yellowdoggranny said...

arghgh. glad your ok...

sageweb said...

I heard about the storm, weird weather...wrath of god probably..more then likely the Gays caused the bad weather.

Doralong said...

Citizen- I'm with you on that one!

Granny- Thanks! I was starting to get a little freaked out when i looked outside and the sky was green and it was raining sideways..

Sage- There you have it! I'm sure Pat Robertson will explain it that way too.

Anonymous said...

Come out, come out, wherever you are! I miss you.

Doralong said...

Tate- There's this wonderful invention, I think they call it the phone??