Thursday, June 12, 2008


I always knew I liked Dennis Kucinich.

Even if it happens 12/31/2008 it's the principle of the matter, I'd like to believe there is still accountability in this universe.

Now go write your congressperson. And if you can stomach it, read all 35 articles..


Anonymous said...

Every once in a while soemthing good happens in government. I'm savoring this one.

billy pilgrim said...

he was my favorite from day 1, he seemed to differentiate his product more than the others.

Jeff said...

Only XXXV articles? It's like he hasnt been watching...

Anonymous said...

Haha! What Jeff said. I love the sentiment and the justness of this, yet I am completely cynical of it's chances.

Doralong said...

Citizen- While it will probably accomplish nothing in the end, me too!

Billy- I always thought he had some great ideas truly.

Jeff- Yes, it indeed could have been a much longer list.

Tate- As am I, but frankly I console myself that someone is indeed as outraged as we are and is pushing the principle of the matter.

Anonymous said...

That beautiful photos… enchant to me… I must spend more times this way. Good taste and eroticism to skin flower.

Sling said...

I'd be pleased if Bush were impeached,as a matter of principle.
I'd be happier if he got to spend a liitle time in beautiful downtown Gitmo.

Kimberly Ann said...

Kucinich is so good he'll never be president. It just can't happen. Snaps on this getting a little traction this time.