Sunday, August 31, 2008

"It's getting breezy here in New Orleans", she said..

I'm pretty terrified. Spoke with Buddyboy and Mrs. Buddyboy- they're staying in NOLA. I got fairly hysterical when he dropped this bomb.. He figures he's a doctor, he moved there because the people needed doctors and he's not going. So if he's not going, she's not going. "Oh we live Uptown, it doesn't flood here". Yeah well flying debris, lack of electricity, massive flooding everywhere else and looters might be something to take into consideration! Just sayin'.. And hell, NO ONE IS THERE!! All the smart people got the fuck out- so who ya gonna doctor there smart guy?? The last message was "There's not a soul in sight and it's getting rather breezy." Jesus, Joseph, Mary, Allah, Mohammad, Shiva, Kali, Buddha and all the rest of y'all please bestow the blessings of safety on his stubborn ass (and herself and the cats as well, especially my boy Elvis) I beg you!!

Where will we go with the cats he asks? The fucking Super 8 in Houston sounds good to me! Drive the fuck back to Virginia- somewhere, anywhere but there!!! But he's a stubborn, stubborn man, no amount of my hysteria is going to move him. I am trying not to obsess, the family took away the remote and has denied me access to the Weather Channel.

Mr. Charles and Edgar are safe at his sister's in Arizona enjoying a bit of a dry holiday. He was the smart one, he got out early! Doogie Houser MD and his family were en route back from a holiday in Mexico when all inbound flights were cut off- so they're stranded in Houston. Which is probably a good thing. Packing up the baby and the Pops and Mom and sitting in gridlock on the interstate heading for, why yes -Houston, would have sucked. Gonna make it really hard to sell the house however.. Pretty sick irony right on the heels of the Katrina anniversary, huh? But to their credit they are doing a pretty good job getting folks evacuated. With the exception of stubborn people. And even if they order mandatory evacuation, he's crucial hospital staff (He up and volunteered) so I guess it's too late now.

I hope all the residents of the Gulf coast and all the islands that have been so hard hit already come through this safe and sound! And here's hoping Hanna veers back out to sea and Gustav doesn't reach category 5 prior to landfall.. Even if you don't pray folks- think good thoughts.


Elizabeth said...

Candles, prayers, and constant good ju ju for you and yours (and everyone in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast).

Willym said...

With Elizabeth on this one - candle lit at St Giovanni this morning - our new local church. For those who've lived through Gustav in Cuba and those in its path. Let's hope it takes a turn...

yellowdoggranny said...

i already have a row of candles lit for my friends in baton rouge and new orleans..will light more for your family...I'll say some prayers to the Goddess.

Doralong said...

Elizabeth- I fear all those poor folks are going to need a lot more before the mess is over.

Wills- Thank you darling. No turn sad to say, but gee at least it's a Cat. 3 not a 5 cause the west bank levees aren't complete yet (three years later)

Granny- I'll pray for yours and you pray for mine and hopefully everybody will come out of it intact!

Sling said...

So many blogpals are in the line of fire!..My prayers go out to every one.
I have to say here,that I'm especially proud of buddyboy for holding down the fort.
I know that's not your 'druthers,but I find it admirable.

Doralong said...

Sling- I'm proud of him too, truly. He's the kind of guy that always steps up when things are going wrong, one of the reasons I respect him so much. But the part of me that loves him like a brother wants him the hell out of there safe on high ground..

evilganome said...

I am thinking good thoughts about your blog buddies as well as mine, Nurse Dave who is on hurricane duty at his hospital and will be riding out the storm and helping folks. I just hope thing shake out so that no one needs them.

booda baby said...

You've got all the good thoughts I have to give (and I seem to have extra ones after this weekend).

I'm so sorry for your fear, but am grateful to who ever (whomever - take your pick because I can never tell the difference) gave Buddyboy his resolve. Sometimes, it sounds like a casual decision "he figures" - but it's the remarkable gift of people that we can believe and know when we have skills and talents to share.

So back to thinking the best.

sageweb said...

Well I am late to the party but it looks like Gustov puttered out...thank goodness. Hopefully not too much damage was done.

Doralong said...

EG- The resolve of those that stand ready never ceases to genuinely amaze me.

Booda- Yeah, he's just like that.. Which makes me love and admire him, and be scared shitless as to what could have happened. But on the whole it just reminds me that there are good and decent people in this world that do the right thing. And simply do it because it IS the right thing..

Sage- Thank goddes the power is back-but here comes Ike and sadly the whole thing may well be repeated.