Saturday, August 23, 2008

Paging Miss Dora's Mojo!

Please meet the rest of your party at the courtesy desk.. Motivation, Organization and Confidence are waiting for you…

I’m treading water here dear ones, truly. Time was when I was motivated, organized and a force to be reckoned with. When my feet hit the floor in the morning Satan shuddered and said to himself “Oh shit! She’s awake!” What the hell has happened here? The sloth of working out of the house? I don’t think so really, I got things done in a timely basis. Old and lost my edge? Guess it’s possible. The last couple of months I seem to be simply reacting and putting out fires. Both domestic and professional. I’m procrastinating as opposed to organizing and dealing with the chaos. In short I’m a bloody mess and had best get my shit together in real short order. And I do mean REAL short order..

I really am looking forward to the new job- he’s a swell guy, I genuinely like him and get his vision. And this is the sort of challenge that once upon a time got me fired up, made me take charge, put on my big bitch pumps and make things happen. As opposed to feeling in over my head and overwhelmed.. And if I fuck this up, this nice earnest young doctor gets fucked (along with his family) in the process.. And mine too ultimately.

I really need to find my mojo- so if you see the bitch, please tell her to get her ass home pronto!!


yellowdoggranny said...

my daughters name is maryjo...every since she was about 3 years old she has been called mojo...i can have her email you..

billy pilgrim said...

i've never thought sloth should be one of the deadly sins.

if done correctly without guilt, sloth can be very therapeutic.

Willym said...

Is that a 3-toed sloth... no that would be a slothe!

Not sure if it will help you find your lost mojo but boy did I see something in a store window on Friday night. I turned to Laurent and said - got get a picture of this for Dora. Took it and just posted it on my blog for you Lady.

Sling said...

1)Let's not confuse sloth with patience.

2)Deciding to do nothing,is still a decision.

3)..that's all I got.

Doralong said...

Granny- It's worth a try!

Billy- It can be, but I think it's gotten out of hand at this point..

Wills- It would be just the thing to wear while looking for it!! Thanks honey, I needed that!

Sling- Thanks for trying buddy! I know I can always count on you for a good effort, along with the cheap brown liquor and the free porn..

sageweb said...

I hope you can find an outfit like Willym will have your mojo back in no time.

evilganome said...

Honey, just practice on the kids. They have to be good for something!

I have no doubt that you still have it in you to give the world the ass kicking that it deserves.

booda baby said...

Some of us (me) call that getting older.

You've still got the mojo (you HAVE to have it, if we can read it through cyberspace), it's just kinder and, sadly, gentler.

I hate that.

Anonymous said...

Life is one of those always-in-flux things, and mojo waxes and wanes. Hope you get yours back soon!

Anonymous said...

I found her! She was in a taco stand on West Randolph, here in Chicago. The bitch was swilling bad beer and shoveling down a twenty ounce beef burrito. I paid her tab, showed her the door, and gave her a friendly kick in the ass homeward. She should arrive any minute, please forgive the beef drippings on your beautiful red dress.

Doralong said...

Sage- I'm thinking I'd have to fly to Italy for that little beauty.

Tony- Well since they don't pay rent I ought to get something out of them! I do still have my moments..

Booda- I preferred the good old days when Satan worried I was aiming for a hostile takeover.

Citizen- Here's hoping, because I'm not too enamored of the current situation.

Tater- The bitch! She went to Chicago looking for you just to spite me! And obviously had a nervous breakdown given the circumstances you found her in, sheesh! And if she ruined the dress I'll beat her myself with my own two delicate little hands.