Friday, January 09, 2009

" See the footage of the rare, venomous mammal"

Rare footage of one of the world's most strange and elusive mammals has been captured by scientists.

Large, and with a long, thin snout, the Hispaniolan solenodon resembles an overgrown shrew; it can inject passing prey with a venom-loaded bite.

Oh really?

Please, Ann Coulter isn't that elusive guys- seriously. And come on, the only venomous mammal? Are we forgetting Michelle Malkin?


Willym said...

Why do I feel that suddenly this poor thing will become the next Yuppy pet of choice??? Or am I being too cynical?

Oh I just got the magic word "novenge" is that like when you say "no" to have revenge on some one - like as in "no sex for you tonight sweetie!"

sageweb said...

Oh the little thing is cute.. Ann and Michele tho...are disgusting.

Sling said...

Wouldn't Ann and Michelle be more closely related to reptiles?

Doralong said...

Wills- You may have called it dear. And I think we ought to start using the word, I think it covers more than one set of circumstances, don't you?

Sage- Right on both counts there sister!

Sling- Now don't go insulting the poor reptiles like that!

Elizabeth said...

We can only HOPE that Ann and Michelle go extinct!

Anonymous said...

The difference is that thing is warm-blooded!

Doralong said...

Elizabeth- I'm all for forced sterilization in those two instances.

Citizen- Excellent point. I rather resent being classed as the same species as either of them.