Friday, October 05, 2007

I'm supposed to trust SYSCO to feed them?

In respect to the revolting state of affairs in school lunches-

Congress is currently considering national legislation to improve the nutritional quality of foods and beverages in schools. Please sign the petition below to ask your members of Congress to take junk food out of schools by requiring the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to update its nutrition standards for foods and beverages offered from vending machines, a la carte in the cafeteria, and in school stores on the whole campus throughout the school day.

USDA’s current school nutrition standards were developed in the 1970’s and are no longer consistent with nutrition science or current concerns regarding children’s nutrition. For example, USDA does not consider candy bars, snack cakes or French fries to be junk foods in schools.

Let's help feed them not only something better, but keep big business from mandating what goes on in our local lunch rooms! My kids pack for a reason, but for some kids this may well be the only thing close to a complete meal they might get in a day.

Now y'all take a minute to go educate yourselves now, and sign the petition while you're in the neighborhood!


Anonymous said...

Done and done. You rock. I'm totally linking this on my site.

Doralong said...

Hat baby- spread it around!! PLEASE! I know some might not get it, but it's an issue near and dear to my heart, and an issue that really does deserve attention.

Wait for the posts coming in respect to my many ongoing pain in the ass campaign with the local school board.. on this and the NCLB bull..

You my dear rock out loud, and thanks from the bottom of my evil little heart for linking in and speaking out! The offer to move to VA and be my wife still stands..

Lorraine said...

Just signed the petition and now I'm thinking of Jamie Oliver and all his good work on this subject in the UK. Also of his strawberries on rosemary skewers with limoncello cream...I'm easily distracted.

Doralong said...

Lorraine- Jamie's work has been excellent, and I have actually used part of his program as a model for what I will be presenting to the school board here shortly. I live in the middle of one of the most productive farming areas of the east and we're feeding these kids crap? And again, my kids pack- it's a larger issue.

If you feel compelled to make with the link on your blogs I'd very much appreciate it!!

Red Seven said...

I signed, even though the petition will be sent to one's Senators and Congressperson and as a citizen of the nation's capital I have neither of those. Still, maybe someone somewhere will notice that I signed it.

Taxation without Representation much? It totally sucks.

Anonymous said...

And now I'm just thinking of Jamie Oliver. Oh my!

Doralong, you really need to chat with Miss Cowbell.
Cut from the same cloth o'controversy you is.

more cowbell said...

School lunches are horrible. Vending machines on campus are shit. And, of course, there's a flip side as well. Soon as they make any kind of improvement, who pays? My kids' high school recently added healthy juices and took away the pop/junk, I was all happy to hear it. Until I went to pay the many many many fees that start off every year. When I questioned why some fees are new and others are higher, surprise, the pop machines subsidized a lot of things.

I've just recently found out about this, so I want to know why -- are the juices more expensive? Smaller? Disgusting brands/flavors? I don't know yet.

Cafeteria food is crap. My kids are vegetarians, so it's really bad. You wouldn't think it would be so hard to get some friggin' REAL food, not the regular fare of pizza, hamburgers, etc.

Doralong said...

Red- I never have and never will understand that one.

Hat- Yep, Cowbell and I are totally on the same pond, just in different boats ;)

Cowbell- yep, it's some pretty nasty stuff, no doubt about it. And I too was totally shocked when I found out the amount of revenue the schools were deriving from allowing outside sources to provide kids with crap!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for the link to the petition. I'll pass it on. And thanks for the interesting, passionate posts! I'll visit again.

Anonymous said...

Dear heart,

I used to shoot for Con Agra, and some of the other major food companies. When we photographed their products, we shot both consumer and food service. The lowest possible grade of product was reserved for correctional institutions, and for school lunches. Think cheap crappy lunch meat (ala Subway), lower your expectations about 50%, shoot it up with water, nitrates, artificial flavorings, fillers, and various other chemicals, slap it on low grade white bread, and your looking at your precious child's school lunch. It was horrifying to work with, and I have since stopped working with them. I think they heard me badmouthing their product, and decided to take their business elsewhere. It's all good, I sleep better at night now, and tell everyone to safe guard their kid's by preparing them lunches to take to school. I narc on these shitty companies every chance I get.