Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well- that was a busy week! First chance to take a walk about blogger town and check in on everyone for quite a while now. Looks like you all had yourselves a merry little Christmas, and I hope a safe and fun New Years Eve.

Christmas was lovely, and that draft of holiday traditions here at Casa de Locos sat so long that its pretty much old and useless news, so on to more current affairs. The big day was loads of fun. We did our part to stimulate the economy and the kids were quite happy with their haul. Baby Sister and the Old Fart came over for dinner and it was a pleasant evening for all concerned. Good food, good booze and loot, what more could a girl ask for?

Let’s see, the little darlings got me books and a lovely cashmere sweater. Because we all know I’m a cashmere ‘Ho. The Beast got me a lateral file- don’t laugh, I needed it. I got him a new alternator and a battery- very thoughtful, don’t you think? Nice of the vehicle to get sick right before the holidays.. Our anniversary was quiet, and kid free for a change. 21 years (legally) and we haven’t killed one another yet, so we’ll call that a win for the home team. Note- if anyone ever suggests you get married between Christmas and New Years, tell them no. The lovely and romantic gift for said occasion was French doors for the basement. I was leaning more towards a trip to Mexico or something, but sadly the door in the basement that is leaking and totally screwing up that exterior wall was a little more pressing than me getting sandy and sunburned.

There’s nothing more romantic than spending your anniversary traipsing through Lowe’s. Myself, I’m a stealth shopper- I know what I want; I get it and get the hell out as fast as possible. The Beast has to spend forever and six more hours wandering all over, causing me to spend much precious energy trying to figure out where the hell he got to now.

I have a brilliant idea! Someone needs to make a little homing button than you clip on your partner the moment you enter said cavern of home improvement products, the other partner gets a hand held GPS tracking device- thus enabling said irritated individual to find their partner without walking 6 miles pushing a rather heavy cart. I myself think it’s sheer genius; hell I’d hand over 5 bucks to rent the damn thing!

New Years Eve was quiet, which was pretty much what I was shooting for. So here we are with a brand new shiny year to put my mark on. I don’t make resolutions, as I consider them self defeating prophecies- but I have decided that the coming year I shall expend more effort into looking around and enjoying all the wonderful people and things in my life and make an attempt to quit bitching quite so much. Except about politics..

Well dears, as it is New Years day yours truly must get to preparations for the traditional feast. I’m not really superstitious, but somehow I really do have to make with the traditional meal of greens, black eyes and pork, as somewhere in the recesses of my brain I am sure disaster shall befall the family unit if I don’t. Well that and the fact that I’ve had that particular meal every New Years day for the past 46 years, why screw with tradition?

Peace, love and kind and gentle blessings be upon you and those you love in the coming year.


Gavin said...

"Someone needs to make a little homing button..."

I was going to suggest a leather harness and a leash, but that's just me.

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

pft. I still don't see how a new door is more important than sunbathing in Mexico.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Sweetheart! Hope yours is starting out nicer than mine...

Elizabeth said...

I got married on December 30th (23 years ago). I agree. Especially once the kids come, you're too worn out to do more than give each other a peck on the cheek and say, "Happy Anniversary." Then one of my kids had the temerity to be born on Dec. 27th, so that whole week is just a blur or presents and deserts.
Happy new year.

Anonymous said...

and blessing to you, cupcake. hey! the homing thing for lowe's ~ marketable. get right on that.

and happy anniversary. 21 years is an accomplishment in this day and time.

The Beast got me a lateral file- don’t laugh, I needed it. I got him a new alternator and a battery- very thoughtful, don’t you think? . . . until this very year, i laughed smugly at married folks who gave appliances and necessary household items to one another for christmas.

no more. we actually did NOTHING this year. nothing. from the folks who used to spend thousands and thousands each year for christmas for the two of us. it kind of struck me as obscene, finally, and so i told mike we needed to get the plumber to come out and fix hot water thingie on the kitchen sink. merry christmas honey!!

the bloom is off the vine. or rose. whatever. i think houses eat marriages.

hoping you find your way to mexico this year . . .

Doralong said...

Gavin- very effective, but you know how people talk in small towns..

Hat- It took me a bit to get to that point, trust me!

tate-Hope you're feeling better sugar!!

Elizabeth- It does tend to get that way, doesn't it??

Lynette- I don't know about eating marriages, but they sure do consume your bank account! And I'm telling you, my patented partner finder may well be the next big thing- I just need to find an engineer to design the sucker for me.

Sling said...

You know how you think you already commented on a friend's blog,and then you go back to see if they posted since then,only they didn't,and you go back the next day and discover that you actually didn't comment in the first place?...It's like that.
Hope you have a terrific and Cashmere lined '08 doralong!

billy pilgrim said...

the lovely mrs myshkin tried the homing button on me. i clipped it onto the collar of miniature dachshund when she wasn't looking.

happy new year.

evilganome said...

Belated Happy New Year! What's this crap about Mexico with the husband. We're running away to Rome together. Remember? Geez, who knew you were so fickle?

All the best in the New Year for you and the family unit!

Red Seven said...

Happy New Year, Doralong!

Now, about sushi ...

Lorraine said...

Happy new year, Doralong! Love the Hoppin' John, btw. See? Kinfolk.

Doralong said...

Sling- I know, it happens to me all the time..

Billy- I hope the doggie didn't run her too far ;)

Tony- Don't be silly! The spouse in Mexico is sex and sun. You and I in Rome is all about fun and games (and shoes)food and picking up guys honey.. Two totally different objectives.

Red- glad you're home safe sweetie. Sushi Yama babe, sometime in the next few weeks!

Lorraine- I TOLD you so.. what are the odds, eh?

Anonymous said...

Um...okay New Year was like, four days ago...
(taps foot)

Doralong said...

Hat- why yes dear, it was.