Monday, March 31, 2008

I'm Tired..

So tired.. Not in the way the fabulous Madeline Kahn is I grant you, but still bloody tired.

Could be the weather, perhaps just life in general but I'm exhausted. Insomnia isn't helping, true enough. Time for a change I think. Perhaps working out of the house is the issue, lack of adult conversation isn't helping my humor. And Tate would no doubt like to get a word in edgewise once in a while. Whatever it is, feeling and looking like something the cat dragged in needs to stop.


sageweb said...

Oh you poor thing, I hate being tired. Insomnia surely doesnt help a tired person. Lovely video tho.

billy pilgrim said...

and you gotta go try and wear out sheriff bart. good luck.

Red Seven said...

"They're always coming and going and going and coming and always too soon."

I just got that.

Hi, I'm slow on the uptake sometimes.

That, and I was but a wee bairn the first time I saw Blazing Saddles.

Hope you can recharge your batteries sometime soon. Know any good spots for sushi in Old Town Alexandria?

Vic said...

Same here, dahling. I placed a stop on my blog Dishin' Dat. I need some renewal. It's spring and I'm feeling the fever. You live in a beautiful area: I hope respite comes to you soon.

Sling said...

Madeline Kahn is a national treasure!
Sorry to hear your looking like something the cat dragged in.
Here is my advice..
What would Jackie wear?

Anonymous said...

Oh Lord, do I know that feeling.

Jeff said...

Let's face it- everything below the waist is kaput.

Willym said...

Is it just me or is there a general malaise over our universe? Cause my love I'm feeling much the same way all the way over here and our winter hasn't been all that bad.

Got a feeling its that working at home thing - the need for socializing with other people. So I'll pass on what my friend Colette said to me yesterday - get out of the house, see people for coffee - escape for a while!

Anonymous said...

I think it's often the time of year. Up here we are over winter but not yet into the groove of spring so it's wet, damp, dark and not a lot of fun.

For me it's just about waiting it out and it slowly gets better as the weather does. Though I know, doesn't really hep now does it!

You know, there's always, so I've heard.

Doralong said...

Sage- It's not helping, that's for sure!!

Billy- see, this is my point- it never ends!

Eric- it was a classic bit in a career full of them! Humm, not in OT, all the really, really good ones seem to be on MacArthur. But there has to be one decent one in the neighborhood!

MP- I think half the population is in the same boat. Get some rest, and I look forward to your return!

Sling- it was a tragic loss, she could have given so many more years of joy to us all. At this point the outfit ain't the problem babe.. Guess I better take up daily makeup again, I'm starting to scare myself.

Citizen- I's going around, isn't it?

Jeff- there my dear you have it..

Wills- it does seem to be spreading, doesn't it? Something in the water?? Well the project I'm doing at the moment isn't time critical so hopefully I can get out and shake it off. The client can live a day or two.

Al- a new pair of shoes couldn't hurt by any means! Perhaps it is just the vile weather and the longing for spring. If I could actually get a full night of sleep I expect I'd be much improved.

yellowdoggranny said...

i loved madaline kahn..she was super..and miss her all the time..she was great in that movie..but then she was great in all those mel brooks movies..get some royal'll perk you up..

Doralong said...

Granny- I'd have paid the ticket price to watch the woman brush her teeth.. a complete genius and an amazing performer.

Kimberly Ann said...

Sorry to hear that. I hope you get some refreshing rest soon. Oh and I love Madeline Khan...what a talent.