Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Under the heading of -WHY?-

What is it with this administration that it is so hell bent on destruction? Here at home as well as abroad. Not only is this another example of being plain not right, but it begs the question WHY?? Is this screwing up Cheney's Elk hunting or something? I really don't get it- this reasoning is the same they more or less used to start slaughtering wild bison because of less than a hundred cattle that got in their way.. I thought perhaps I was missing the big picture, so I asked a friend who happens to be a third generation rancher in Montana. We'll he's pretty sick about it actually, but I grant you tends to be a live and let live kind of guy.. I'm sorry I just can't fathom this shit at all. Read it and if you can give me an explanation, please do, because I really must be missing something in this somewhere.

The restoration of the gray wolf in the Northern Rockies is one of America's greatest environmental success stories. Wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone and the central Idaho wilderness in 1995 after being exterminated by settlers, trappers and the federal government. Since then, these new populations have increased to 1,500 or so animals. Wolves play a crucial role in the ecosystems of the Northern Rockies, helping to preserve riparian forests and maintain healthy populations of raptors and coyotes. They are also a boon to the region's economy, generating tens of millions of dollars in tourist revenue each year.

But Rocky Mountain wolves are now in grave danger. In March 2008, the Bush Administration stripped gray wolves in Greater Yellowstone and across the Northern Rockies of endangered species protection. Earlier in the year, the administration issued a new rule allowing the slaughter of hundreds of these wolves. Entire packs of wolves could be gunned down from airplanes in minutes. In fact, the federal government has already spent our tax dollars to buy two planes for the purpose of aerial gunning.

Both Idaho and Wyoming have made it clear that they intend to take their wolf populations down to minimum levels. In Idaho, the governor himself boasted, "I'm prepared to bid for that first ticket to shoot a wolf myself." The Bush Administration's new rule would allow Idaho to realize its dream of killing every last wolf -- 60 in all -- in the Clearwater River wilderness region. Ultimately, the state wants to kill up to 85 percent of its approximately 780 wolves. Under this cruel plan, even wolf pups could be killed.

Wyoming's plans are equally brutal. The state classifies wolves as "predatory animals" in most of the state. As predators, wolves could be shot on sight anywhere by anyone at anytime. In the 80 percent of Wyoming outside the Yellowstone area, wolves will now be killed in unlimited numbers -- with no licenses or permits required.
By authorizing these wolf killing plans, the Bush Administration is catering to the hunting community, which wants the ease of hunting elk in the same places and in the same numbers that they've grown accustomed to. Yet, elk populations are at all-time highs across the Northern Rockies and above objectives in all three states. In fact, the game and fish agencies in the region are taking steps to reduce their elk herds.

Wolves are being targeted because of a few cases where elk herds have declined. But these declines have been caused by many factors, including drought, shrinking habitat and human hunters -- not just wolves. Under the Bush Administration's plan, wolves alone will be blamed for any and all declines in a few elk populations. And that will be grounds enough for shooting and trapping hundreds of wolves across two states. Wolves will be killed for doing what they are supposed to do: maintain a healthy ecosystem by preying on elk.

Instead of killing wolves, Wyoming and Idaho should be redoubling their efforts to protect them in the face of mounting development and other habitat destruction. The Bush Administration should protect wolves under the Endangered Species Act until the states have plans in place to ensure that wolf populations will flourish in the future. They should make certain that connections are maintained between the three populations in the Northern Rockies so that these populations remain genetically healthy. These ecological bridges are increasingly important as rural sprawl and industrial development continue to fragment wolf habitat throughout the region.

This is just really, really fucked up.


Gavin said...

Yeah, because there can't possibly be enough elk around for wolves and humans.

My mom is a wolf fanatic and we have wolves (plates, statues, photos, etc.) everywhere in the house.

yellowdoggranny said...

it just makes me crazy..that and the fact that they are shipping healthy beautiful horses to mexico and canada to slaughter houses..they shut down the 3 left in the usa(which were in texas, im ashamed to say) but people are broke and can't take care of their family and that means no one to take care of the horses so they sell them thinking someone will at least take care of them, but they ship them off to slaughter and now they're doing it with the mustangs...arghghg

yellowdoggranny said...

if they ARE GOING to shoot the bison they should let the indians do it and keep the meat...

evilganome said...

Many years ago now, in my home state of Vermont, they got rid of the bounty on bobcats and now you are fined if you kill predators.

They figured this one out after the states deer population surged out of control.

What did you expect from the Bush administration? Honestly, the man has already wiped his ass with the constitution.

I guess with off shore drilling and removing animals from the endangered list he wants to wreak as much destruction as he can before he is out of office.

Can anyone explain to me why the democratic congress felt it would be too damaging to the country to impeach this asshat?

Doralong said...

Gavin- I guess that must be the reasoning..

Granny- Yep, that makes me pretty ill as well. Senseless slaughter of any sort is insane, regardless of the species involved. But this administration so seem to at least not discriminate in that regard- human or animal.

Tony- I chalk it down to an acute lack of any sort of sense at all.

booda baby said...

Damn. I had my own big mystery to solve yesterday and the idea of figuring out policies of the Bush administration - no, not even the policies, but the reasoning! It's not even convoluted. So much of it starts from a place I truly can't comprehend.

Where was I? Oh. They're too much work to figure out. Hurry, let's just hurry, okay?

Sling said...

Once you've embroiled the nation in a costly war,raped the Constitution,and legalized torture,it would quite naturally follow that you'd want to wipe out an endangered indigenous species...What's not to understand?

Anonymous said...

Because "Killingness is next to Godliness"?

Because torturing people became boring?

Because an oil exploration expert stepped in Wolf shit while planning earth rape in the western states?

Because a wolf killed one of the Cheney's pets on their ranch?

I don't know. Can't wait until the ban on hunting lame duck presidents is lifted.

Anonymous said...

OH god, that is just sickening. The current administration isn't just oblivious to the environment, they seem to be intent on destroying the world.

more cowbell said...

He's the Decider! I wonder if he's going to lift the ban on hunting one's friends, so that VP Cheney will have enought friends to last him the whole season.

On a serious note, it's that whole problem of taking the quick short-term solution, what's better for the decision makers NOW rather than what's good for society and the earth in the long haul. And why should Dubya care? He's almost done and getting ready to take off to Crawford, where he'll probably start shooting wolves.

Anonymous said...

Sadly I don't hold out a lot of hope here. In Canada we have the same issues in the Rockies due to both hunting and a meteoric rise in new tourist destinations.

So much so that all animals, not just wolves, are being displaced as well as being needlessly killed in record number. Our Grizzly Bear population is estimated to be in the critical stages of extintion as there are under fifty left in all of Alberta.

What we need is a fundamental change in mind set around things and life we culturally have a stake in as a civilization. A connection and commitment to a land, its people and its changing needs is a connection commitment to the future.

Kimberly Ann said...

Like everything else wrong with the country at the moment, we just have to sit tight until this administration packs up its legos and goes home. Lobbying on the local level is the only hope at the moment.

Lorraine said...

What Sling said. It doesn't make sense to YOU because you possess logic, reasoning and a sense of the big picture. But in the skewed world of these asshats, it makes perfect sense.