Sunday, September 21, 2008

Crappy video-

great song.. I always loved these guys. and I bet you money Sling drank cheap brown liquor (or something involving a worm) with these guys.. Sometimes you just need a little silly.


Sling said...

Everybody's doin' it!!..pass the whiskey please.

Red Seven said...

This IS the crappiest video ever. Craptastic, if you will.

Doralong said...

Sling- See? I knew it!

Red- Thus the point my dear ;) A little craptastic can be good for what ails ya..

billy pilgrim said...

that reminds me, i'm down to seeds and stems again.

Anonymous said...

Fun song, scritchy-scratchy sound. (Ooh, word verification "lushf." The f is silent.)