Monday, October 06, 2008

C'est fini..

The Old Fart slipped away fairly peacefully late yesterday afternoon. He hopefully felt no pain, and I was holding his hand- in theory I guess he's at peace, I can only hope that's the case.

This one's for you Daddy, I know it's one of your favorites since you loved Herbie and Miles so much.

See y'all later, I have to go plan a funeral..


Willym said...

Holding you in my heart.

booda baby said...

Peace, peace, peace. I'm sending you loads of peace and love so if you feel like peeking out of Willym's heart, there's some soft stuff ready to wrap around you.

I like thinking it was a sweet departure, knowing he was leaving us an extraordinary daughter.

Thanks, Doralong's Daddy!

evilganome said...

Take care, sweetie. I will call you later.

sageweb said...

Sorry for your loss. Here is a BIG HUG.

Sling said...

..and all that jazz.
My heartfelt condolences dear friend.

Goodnight Pops,and a blessing on all your children.

Doralong said...

Wills- You're always in mine.. thank you dear.

Booda- Not today, but soon I expect. And thanks for the extra cushion, I need it today.

Tony- Sorry I missed you, dealing with unpleasant aspects of the business side of death.

Sage- thanks, I need all the hugs I can get today.

Sling- Here's hoping. Gotta go pick out some Dave Brubeck and Miles Davis for the funeral. Ain't the old folks gonna freak ;)

Jeff said...

I'm so sorry for yor loss, but so proud of you for taking the high road and embracing him in his final hours. You will never regret that.

Elizabeth said...

So so sorry. I know, for you, a world has gone dark. Hugs and strength to you, as you go about the business of life, and of death. You're already brave, so I won't hope for that. I hope, instead, that when this is over, you find rest and gentleness and repair for yourself. xoxoxo

Red Seven said...

Gosh, I don't know what I'll do when this story arrives at my front door. I'm glad that you were able to gently guide him to the door, so to speak. Big virtual hug to you.

Doralong said...

Jeff- I'm glad I let it go and had some time minus any bags, it was a good thing for both of us.

Elizabeth- Once it's all done with I'll have my little breakdown and then all will be well. I just have to figure out when the hell i can schedule it..

Eric- you'll no doubt handle it with the same kind and gentle heart that leads you through every other moment of your life dear.

Anonymous said...

Ah, this was the post I was hoping was not going to come. Futile, I know. I'm so sorry, but I am glad for him you were there.

I won't fill the page with empty sounding platitudes, just know that if I was within hugging distance you would be getting one that only releases when, and only when, you do. Be well.

Kimberly Ann said...

A virtual hug and real life good wishes are coming your way. Take care.

Tate said...

So, So sorry for your loss my dear. I have been thinking about you for the last few days. Wish I was there to give you a hug.

Doralong said...

Al- I expect you'd be standing there quite some time.. It was past time, and a blessing. None of which makes it hurt any less.

KA- Thanks! Good thoughts are always welcome in this house.

Tate- I wish you were too.. it would make this a lot easier.

billy pilgrim said...

so sorry to hear of your loss.

be kind to yourself.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry.

And I'm glad for you and for him that you were able to be there holding his hand at the end.

more cowbell said...

Oh DL, I'm really sorry.