Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Prognosis..

Well, it’s a mixed diagnosis.. Hauled my happy ass out to the hardware store and fetched a new breaker. Wired the sucker back in, yay! We have a cook top back, now this is progress. Since I have a light again, I take a closer look at the broiler element. Humm, sucker burned completely through. Like 4 or more inches of element no longer there.. dang! Well that would indeed explain the blinding mini explosion and the subsequent fried breaker. Mr. Appliance fixit dude was very impressed, he’s never encountered a vaporized part. Lucky me. He assures me that while we’re waiting on the new element it’s OK to cut the oven on as long as I avoid the broiler. Umm, nah, I think not. Well it’s all good- I have the grill and the stove top I’ll manage. BBQ shrimp and grits, here we come! Hey Tater- we’re having vinegar and pepper cukes too, come on over!

You have to understand, the range to me is rather like Cowbell’s camera. Not the Viking six burner mother I covet- nay, lust after- but it makes me happy. It’s the only outlet for a woman with the artistic talent of a gerbil.. And as 1951 as it may sound, I rather enjoy feeding the family ( and the extra kids that always seem to be around here) something that never saw a box as it’s beginning.. My form of therapy, as it were.


evilganome said...

Once again I sympathize. I haven't lived in a place where I have had a stove that I loved for a while, so I know what you are talking about. Especially the cooking for people part. A few years after the daughter went her own way, a friend was stuck between living situations and I put him up for a couple of months. He was in heaven. Home cooking every night! I loved it, and he was a very appreciative eater.

Anonymous said...

Funny, the utter vaporization of things is precisely why I don't 'do' cooking. I admire your guts. And your grits for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Well, it was a pretty spectacular little melt down, I must say.. Had the salmon only been at medium rarish when it blew, I expect I'd have taken it with much better humor.

And thanks Hat- the grits pretty much rock.

Anonymous said...

And ganome.. an appreciative audience does rather make it worth while.. that and my own ravenous appetite.

BigAssBelle said...

BBQ shrimp and grits, here we come! Hey Tater- we’re having vinegar and pepper cukes too, come on over!

oooooo, ymmmmmm. sounds divine.

Anonymous said...

Lynette- any time you want to drop by for dinner you are more than welcome precious.. Mike, the dogs, the grand babies, come on by!

more cowbell said...

My condolences to your oven. And my hat is off to you (and I have one, too, just look at The Hat's site.) for your culinary skills. Cooking is just stressful for me. I hate it. I do it, I'm a mom, have to, but don't like it a bit.

It must skip a generation. My mom, loves to cook. My daughter, won the Iron Chef competition at her high school. Me? Crock Pot, baby, all the way.

Anonymous said...

I would sit at your table any time sister. Girl knows good food! The shrimp and grits sound delicious, and the cukes, YUM! Glad the center of your soul is back in working order so that you can continue to provide you and yours with such mouthwatering fuel.

Anonymous said...

oops, I started typing before I realized your oven is a casualty...Let me amend by saying that the lady of the house needs to buy whatever her heart desires to keep those mouths watering, and those tummies full... Wolfe? Viking? You decide, then call me over...

Doralong said...

Tater- actually it's going to be saved. parts are en route. Sad to say, we'd have to hit the big number in the lottery to afford the Viking I lust after.. hard to justify something that costs more than a lot of cars while I'm sans employ.. Perhaps once we're done coughing it up for college, and grad school.

Cowbell- we all decompress in our own way. As noted I have no artistic outlets these days other than food. Knees are toast, so I had to give ballet up a long time ago- singing, still love it, and enjoyed my time with the band (s) but unless you're blessed -most mothers 'o 2 can't exactly hit the road with the band..

Dan said...

You know something? I hardly understood a word of what you said. Isn't that sad? After all, I'm supposed to be a guy.

Don't worry. I won't cry. :)

Thanks for visiting my blog! Now I know about yours. You're funny!

Vic said...

I lived with on burner and no oven for 1 year because I was stubborn. I knew replacing my old 70's stove and cooktop meant mucho money down the drain, since the powers that be have changed appliance dimensions.

What I feared came about. I spent $2,000 trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. We (the electrician and me) still can't figure out how to set the timer for the oven. So I spent $2,000 to boil water. Hah!

Vic said...

One burner. Aargh!

Anonymous said...

Ms. Place- I feel your pain sister.. I really do!