Wednesday, August 01, 2007

My peculiar logic-

So I've decided to wait till Brother #2 is released to head south.. Bear with me. The rest of the family unit is descending to hover over him- which will drive him totally nuts by the way. I figure it makes a lot more sense for me to get there when he's released so I can give his wife a break, let her get her shit together at work and so forth.

I'm a pretty good substitute for a nurse and a pretty fair cook- this seems to me to be more productive than standing over him, staring at the monitors and trying to make small talk about bullshit while he's on massive painkillers.. I don't sit still well, period. I'd rather be doing something helpful, or at least productive.

So am I completely wrong? I got the 411 on his surgeon- the guy knows his shit. He's a strong fella, if I had any concerns regarding the actual procedure I'd have gotten my ass in the car last night.

So am I being rational or being a bitch? Guess it depends on which family member you ask.. and for the records Brother #2 and the Sister in law are cool with it. Do I allow useless guilt to rule, or practicality?

Aw screw the guilt, I'm going for practical. If the rest of them can't see the logic in it, so be it.


evilganome said...

It makes sense to me. I think you're wise to know when you'll be helpful and when you'll just be under foot. Good luck with the visit.

Anonymous said...

I concur with the handsome gnome. I think you will actually be doing more good for them than the others will. That being said, I can also see how they might find your actions to be somewhat passive aggressive. I think that your family and mine have many similar dynamics, and passive aggressive behavior winds its way through it like a little stream. Though I'm sure you do not intend it, others may think it. Be prepared for the few cold shoulders you may receive, especially from whomever usually wears the drama queen crown (I know there is one or two in your family as well). In any case, do away with the guilt, do away with the bickering, and be useful and peaceful. My prayers are with you all!

Sara Sue said...

Offering help during the convalescence makes more sense than sitting in a hospital room. They'll think so too once he's out of surgery. Hope all goes well.

Anonymous said...

gnome- I sure hope so!

tater bug- I've told you before, I really do think we're actually related.. Mamma always had the undisputed crown actually. But the SIL has a tiara in a major, major way, and big shock -Daddy is giving her a serious run for her money..
Whatever- I'll go nursemaid, mow the yard and feed the big lug and fuss over him a while.

sara sue- Thanks! Seemed a hell of a lot more sensible to me too! In spite of people trying to tell me otherwise.

BigAssBelle said...

rational and yes, screw the guilt.

BigAssBelle said...

rational and yes, screw the guilt.