Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Hell hath no fury-

Like an 11 year old boy denied a snow day after the first really good sledding snow of the year fell the night before…

The reaction was decidedly NOT pretty, I can assure you.


Willym said...

It took a minute but... remember he is your little treasure who will carry on the family name - if you let him live that long!

sageweb said...

Oh Poor kid, how could they not call a snow day on the best sledding day ever..life is just not fair

Doralong said...

Wills- SOme days it's a definite "if"- the boy was born cute as a button for a reason.

Sage- They truly did get ripped off this time.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, that bites. My boys were dancing when their school was listed on today's closed list.

Sling said...

..and I'll bet today was the day they tried to convince the kids that knowing what an obtuse triangle was would come in useful someday.
There ain't no justice.

Doralong said...

Citizen- I was torn between laughing at the histrionics and getting annoyed with him :)

Sling- I bet ya money it was. Luckily I've raised them to be a pair of realists...

more cowbell said...

Ha! Well, it's damned if you do, damned if you don't. We got snowed here for days upon days. At first the younguns were thrilled, but after a few days of being locked up with Mom in a tinyass house, Male Offspring was dying to go back to school.