Thursday, November 15, 2007

Yep- I'm still here..

Sorry dears- no DSL for a few days and it has been terribly difficult to find a moment to compose anything. That is if one can actually refer to me bitching as “composing” anything.. Those few moments of peace I squeeze in have had to be devoted to the paying side gigs- with one or two little forays to check on my bloggy buddies to help maintain my sense of humor.. But thank y’all for checking in, it really means more than you probably know.

I think I must be old and set in my ways.. This has been a lot harder than I thought to deal with. But then again, the dogs and kids are none too thrilled either, so perhaps it’s not just me. Baby sister and her partner lived with us for nearly four months a couple of years back while transitioning from Florida to Virginia and it was pretty easy. Hell, it was downright enjoyable most of the time, even with two extra dogs underfoot. Current situation? Not so much…

I keep telling myself that doing the right thing doesn’t mean it’s the easy thing. Rinse and repeat..

It’s been a zoo more or less. My current universe was not designed for out of control toddlers. While I’m sure not a candidate for mother of the year, I’m pretty certain my kids were never that out of control at those particular ages. And I pretty well draw the line at giving unsolicited parenting advice, as that’s pretty damned overbearing. Especially in light of the fact that I’m trying to give some common sense 101 advice to try and help these two get their act together. I fear this is going nowhere.

It appears that the answer is going to fall from the sky- even though I keep gently preaching proactive kids, get proactive- this is how you got where you are as it is.. Very, very frustrating. And I do not in any way expect guests in my home to labor away, but could you put your dishes in the dishwasher? Wipe the counter off after the cheerios and cereal or juice have gotten all over it?

I keep trying to remember that this has to be as difficult for them as well, being in someone else’s home. The only time it ever happened to me was during a huge ice storm a few years back- the power was out for a week. Boots and her family took us in, as they have doggies and such and a week in a hotel with 2 dogs just wasn’t going to work. It was fairly pleasant, if a little awkward at times, as we were trying not to disrupt their lives too much. Boots hates to cook, so I made dinner every night as a way to say thanks- made the kids help keep things clean and so on. I’m no saint- that’s not what I’m trying to imply, but a wee bit of consideration?

It will be what it will be in the long run.. and good things have come out of it. Miss Thing has had to try and learn how to deal with small humans. We have figured out that the Hurricane should have been born first, he makes an awesome older sibling. I have seen a really sweet, patient and loving side of him with the little ones that is pretty amazing. And I may well have learned that there are some things I can’t fix. But we’ll see, I haven’t given up yet.

And again, thank for thinking of me y’all!


Anonymous said...

I thought it would be hard for you and I was right. You are superwoman, despite your denying it. I have you in my thoughts, and am praying for easier days ahead. I hope that a positive lesson can seep into your house guests, and that they won't find themselves back in this position again. Keep us posted, and Chicago is a short flight away should you need to escape.

Doralong said...

Tater Bug- have I told you this week how much I love you??

Java said...

My sympathies, dear. Truly I understand. I've done it before and am doing it, in a sense, now. One question: is there a clearly defined and understood move-out date? I only ask because I know it is right. I, however, am not practicing what I preach.

Anonymous said...

That you can remotely see a bright side at all makes your halo glow. I've been here - both sides. I took my halo and strangled people with it.

Willym said...

If patience is indeed a virtue than you dear number amongst the virtuous - big time! Particularly to see it as a developmental experience for your young ones. Hope a few of the lessons sink in with the older people who sound like they need them.

I'm with Java here - hope there is a set move-out date.

Hugging you and yours close in my heart for what you are doing.

Lorraine said...

I'm going to polish your halo and rub your feet.

Kimberly Ann said...

It's cliche, but hang in there! This too shall pass.

Doralong said...

Java- my head hurts just thinking about those logistics!!!!!

Hat- Gotta do what ya gotta do to keep from going over the edge after all.

Willym- I'm praying in my totally pagan way that something sets in.. And thank you for the hugs precious- it genuinely means a lot right at the moment.. And yes- I really do expect my kids to take something away from this experience. If that was not the case, we wouldn't have consulted them in the first place.

Lorraine- Just bring me a bottle of wine sister!!!

KA- I'm trying. I just keep trying to put it in perspective. There but for the grace of whomever.. yada yada yada...